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Storm By The River (Quick Listing)
The GORGEOUS LADIES OF OUTRAGEOUS WRESTLING aka GLOOW & The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING aka DWOW have traveled south on 95 to Delaware County and Wilmington, DE for a good amount of live events. When the girls did drive south, it was usually thanks to (now) Celebrity Boxing Promoter, Damon Feldman. Damon loved the concept of the girls show, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself, even sitting front row at times, to take the action in. He loved all the girls, but is an admitted Soundguy fan. In fact, the two remain friendly to this day.
Feldman ran a slew of tough man fights and boxing events at the Lagoon in Essington, PA Delaware County. The Lagoon was a huge nightclub, and even had a deck on the riverfront. The GLOOW / DWOW concept live event was specifically developed for mid-week events for bars and nightclubs, and this particular Wednesday was a great night to host a live event. There was a lot of great sexy action that took place, as the people attending had a blast!
This show is a one camera shoot, and the ring lighting is very good. That’s something to mention as a lot of the early GLOOW / DWOW shows had less than good lighting. There is no commentary included, but the video does have graphics and transitions. The Soundguy does at times make some witty comments, but over the venue sound system, however it is audible while watching.
The show starts with MIMI bursting out of the curtain, shaking and wiggling on the way to the ring. This girl is on fire, as she breaks out in a split on the wooden dance floor ringside. This was perfect for the guys sitting in the front. It’s nice to see the show in a more spacious venue with a big sound system and state of the art light show. GLOOW’s ring is only 12x12 and usually looks squeezed into a venue, however not tonight. This is a perfect setting for some dysfunctional women’s wrestling. THE LAGOON would’ve a great location for GLOOW / DWOW TV tapings. The place is perfect, as it has all the necessary production needs.
Mimi is doing the ref dance on the way to the ring doing floor work, and she is also using the foundation poles positioned around the dance floor, as well as using the ring apron to entertain the fans. She is wearing a regulation ref shirt tied up and showing off her tanned belly. She is also wearing white sneakers, and black biker shorts with a light colored t-back thong too. We know this because she has her bike shorts pulled down halfway around her nice ass. “Whoot there it is!” The Soundguy encourages her to step into the ring and she obliges, all the while continuing to dance for everyone in the club to see. Great energy to begin this live event!
MAEVILLE music blares out. The original MAES theme song (before the company started using their own theme music) was “Wynonna’s Big Brown Beaver by Primus”. Mimi is hamming it up for the camera as BIG POPPA MAE is yelling at the fans on the way to the ring. Poppa Mae is a very large man standing over six feet tall, and comes in at over 500lbs. He wears a huge pair of denim overalls with no shirt on, and we can guess he has his “period underwear” on. Or his not-so-tighty-whities. Poppa sports a gigantic mole on his back --that Tai Weed loves to lick and suck on when they fight. Yes, that is true too. Maybe you’ll be lucky to see it happen on this video.
TAI “KILLER’ WEED hits the scene to her original theme song “Killing in the name of by Rage Against The Machine”. Tai shoots out of the curtain like a rocket and is wearing her patented ring attire. Tai is wearing her matching black chap set. Tai is wearing her blonde hair down flowing freely. Her chap set consists of a leather bra top with fringe, followed by her leather leg chaps, and black thong that shows off her great butt.
Tai is very loud and boisterous on her way to the ring, as she stops at one of the building’s foundation poles, and begins to climb upwards. Tai’s showmanship continues in the ring as she dances, and uses the corners to hang and hoist her body upwards. Tai is the ULTIMATE party chick! She’s young, hot, and has a ton of energy. Poppa Mae just stands there watching and yelling out at the crowd occasionally.
Mimi is checking Poppa Mae for illegal objects as she looks under his overalls, and even inspects under his fat rolls. I kid you not. Hilarious!
Mimi then goes to check Tai out, but in reality, she’s just groping her and it’s awesome! Tai does not seem to mind at all. Knowing Tai a little, she probably loves this part of the match --everytime!
The bell rings and the match is underway. Back in the early days of this Women’s wrestling company; music was played during the match keeping the flow moving. Tai tries to pick up Poppa Mae to body slam him. No luck. She then hugs him from the back to suplex him. Still no luck. Poppa yells at her, but she drops to her knees and clocks him in his jewels, or his lower belly. This reviewer is just not sure of Poppa’s anatomical matter layout. It does seem to affect him, as he backs up into the corner which allows time for Tai to set him up for a head toss. Yes, I wrote that, a head toss. This was stunningly an amazing feet to see the big man launched off his feet.
Tai sits on his chest and bounces up and down on Poppa Mae. Mimi starts to count reluctantly. Poppa Mae’s foot is on the lower rope for the record, but Mimi does not see it anyway, and stops counting before getting to three. Tai does attempt to pin him again, but the big man gets his arm up. His one arm likely weighs more than Tai.
Poppa Mae manages to stumble and perch himself in the corner. Tai hits a big splash on Poppa. And then another. She kicks him hard in the stomach, and then climbs Poppa Mae and starts unleashing chops on his chest. She then hits him in the nuts again, as he plops down in the corner. A perfect setup for a Bronco buster.
Tai’s fired up and ready for action, but Poppa Mae is just a massive person and he’s not one to move around the ring quickly. He’s still sitting in the corner trying to recoup --or hoping Tai will ride his chest and face with another Bronco buster. Can you blame him for trying? IF that’s what he’s thinking.
Tai is helping Poppa get to his feet. Bad move. He is now choking her in the corner. He backs up as he has Tai where he wants her. Here he comes in for the BIG SPLASH --but no, Tai counters and locks her legs around his head. Again, maybe not the worst position for the big man. She holds on tight and Poppa Mae collapses backwards, as they both tumble to the mat. Tai acts quickly, hooks the leg as best she can as Mimi counts to three. She’s announced the winner, and proceeds with her post match celebration in the crowd with the fans.
The video changes and here comes LUKEY. Yes, that is how he spelled it before the powers-to-be in GLOOW / DWOW had him change his name so it’s spelled properly. Right now it’s spelled / pronounced LUKE-EY, when in reality he goes around calling himself Lucky. Sometime after this event his ring name was officially changed to LUCKY “THE CRIPPLE GUY”. The graphic on the screen bills him from Crippletown, PA… funny stuff, if you’re dysfunctional like this reviewer.
Anyhow, we see Lucky decked out in a suit with about about a half dozen very attractive girls that are all making their way to the ring. Lucky is announced at ringside, and the Soundguy announces he will need a chair to enter the ring. I’ve seen Lucky get in the ring. He needs help, or needs to be picked up to be situated in the ring. The five girls of Lucky’s harem stay in the corner at ringside, while Lucky is figuring out how the hell he will get in the ring.
Ringside photographer WHACKS grabs Lucky a chair, and is assisting him to get in the ring. Not for nothing, but why doesn’t GLOOW / DWOW have ring steps? I mean, yes, Lucky would still have issues getting in the ring, but steps would help.
The Soundguy announces everyone to pay attention to witness the best ring entrance ever. Obviously, the Soundguy is amused every time Lucky finally arrives IN RING, and is standing.
Lucky then proceeds to announce the girls he hired tonight are PHILLY FUSION. Hmmmm a ring of strippers, or maybe hookers? The girls cheer and enter the ring. What’s going on here? Five very attractive girls lineup in formation in the ring. EDM music starts and it looks like we have a choreographed dance routine. These girls are hot, and their routine is very good, as well as entertaining. Great dancing action by five very attractive women, however Lucky is posted up in the corner. I hope he didn’t think he was getting five couch dances when he hired these chicks! Lucky would’ve been smarter to hire these five girls to do an OIL RUMBLE, and have him oil them all down!!!
Lucky then informs everyone that he is looking to purchase the women’s wrestling company, and that he would be the “cripple in charge”. Lucky is doing his best it seems, but he needs help on his mic delivery. The place is eerily quiet during all this. This segment is boring…
UNTIL... “THE SMOKE’s” theme music hits. Finally, some excitement, and possibly entertainment. The entire mood of the show and room has changed as COMMISSIONER SMOKE demands attention! He is escorted to the ring by his female bodyguard LADY STORM. The Smoke is decked out in some of his finer clothing. He is well put together and an intimidating figure --especially with the bad ass bitch LADY STORM watching his back.
The Smoke commands the mic and starts in on the fans. For those unaware, THE SMOKE character is based very loosely, off of THE ROCK. Think MAD Magazine does their version of the THE ROCK --that’s the SMOKE. He’s like the bumbling, and babbling opposite of what the ROCK delivers. Genius character. Not sure if SMOKE even knows what he created.
The Smoke is going off on Lucky “The Cripple Guy”. Lucky is standing there --err leaning on the ropes more like it. Lucky is challenging THE SMOKE about controlling the company. The Smoke hands Lady Storm the mic. Lady Storm looks like one bad bitch. The Smoke grabs paperwork
out of Lucky’s hands and tears it up, throwing it in Lucky’s face.
The Smoke scoops Lucky up and body slams him hard onto the mat. Lucky is laying in the ring motionless, like he’s been hit by a Mac truck. Smoke then removes his jacket and stomps Lucky, he hits the ropes and drops a big elbow on poor Lucky, who is laid out over the torn up paperwork. Smoke and Storm exit the ring area.
Music changes and the mob has arrived. Hats (Jeff) & Jackets (Joey Nice) Inc. have come to the ring. Jackets throws money on Lucky and then taps his face with an open hand. Hats, then kneels down and shoves the dirty money into Lucky’s mouth. Ugh. F’n disgusting. Lucky is lifeless, with dirty money shoved in his mouth.
Paramedics hit the ring to dispose of the body. The guys place Lucky onto the stretcher and roll him out of the club --WITH the dollar bills still in his mouth.
Next we see the introduction of a new talent debuting, LADY SOULKEEPER. Think of an overweight, female version of the UNDERTAKER. From parts unknown, weight unknown, the fans don’t know what to think. Lady Soulkeeper is dressed all in black. She’s a very big girl.
Mimi is in the ring to call the action. LSK is center ring with her cane raised in the air as she dramatically brings it down to cue the lights to go on… and nothing. Still darkness. FUNNY! Not sure if that was or wasn’t planned.
MAE’S music hits, and from the “southside of Maeville” comes the fiery redhead DAWN MAE. Dawn is actually eating on the way to the ring, however it seems no one taught her how to chew properly as a lot of the food falls out of her mouth.
While Dawn Mae was in the ring on the corner turnbuckles, LSK attacks Dawn from behind. LSK comes out firing some belly kicks to Dawn Mae, then sends Dawn Mae across the ring and hits her with a big clothesline which collapses Mae in the corner.
LSK celebrates prematurely, as DAWN MAE plants an unexpected missile dropkick in the middle of LSK back. Dawn Mae is bitch slapping LSK in the corner. We have the battle of the big girl REDHEADS!
LSK hits her own splash on Mae, but Dawn responds with a devastating clothesline. Dawn Mae retaliates, and looks pissed. Dawn Mae exits the ring probably to regain her wits. She then flips off LSK and leaves to the back? Dawn Mae quit the match?
NOPE. Dawn Mae comes back to the ring and throws a trashcan full of weapons into the ring. Things are getting HARDCORE now! LSK picks up a crutch and starts swinging at Dawn Mae who is still outside the ring. Maybe not the brightest thing throwing trash can into the ring first, without grabbing her own weapon of choice.
LSK leaves the ring and a chase ensues. Dawn Mae is jogging around ringside, then starts to crawl and hide, strategically setting up her attack on LSK when she turns the corner. Dawn springs up and levels LSK with a big clothesline.
Dawn picks up the broken crutch and hits LSK across her midsection. As Lady Soulkeeper is rolling around in pain. Dawn starts to choke LSK with the wooden crutch piece.
Dawn is back in the ring as LSK is moving slowly and tries to get back in the ring, but is met with a dropkick sending her crashing back to the floor. Dawn jumps out of the ring, and whips LSK into and takes out some of the front row. That was insane!
LSK finally makes it back into the ring and Dawn Mae beats her with a weapon. Dawn Mae turns her back, and LSK whales Dawn with a trash can to the head. DAMN! Dawn is down, and LSK hits a super big leg drop across her neck. LSK quickly goes for a pinfall, but Dawn smartly puts her leg on the bottom rope.
LSK beats Dawn across the back with some kind of thick wooden stick --not Kendo stick. Dawn hits an elbow drop on LSK, but she does that TAKER gimmick and just sits up. However, she is very slow to her feet. The girl is taking a whooping.
Dawn starts to unleash some breast edge chops, and then sends LSK to the opposite corner. Dawn hits a running ass and smashes LSK face. Dawn quickly calls for and hits a STINKFACE on LSK.
If this reviewer is not mistaken, this may have been the only appearance of LADY SOULKEEPER in a GLOOW / DWOW ring. We are not sure if it was purely performance based, or if she had issues backstage. Or maybe there is only room for one REDHEAD in the company. Who knows?
After the video transition, we see “BROOM SWEEPER #2” from “the closet” in the ring cleaning up the mess from the last match. Fans ringside are ragging on him about him having to sweep up the ring. He flips them the bird.
BRITTNEY “THE SCHOOLGIRL” from Room 101 makes her way to the ring trying to portray innocence to Brittney Spears song“Oopps she did it again”. Brittney is wearing her schoolgirl attire consisting of a white blouse that is tied up to show off her trim belly, and is open in the front displaying her breasts in a black bra. She is wearing a short plaid mini-skirt, white knee high stockings, and heels.
Brittney has a microphone and introduces herself to new fans in attendance. Brittney tells the crowd she has something to show them, and trashes PLAYBOY COLLEGE COED HEATHER FAITH, before giving the mic to Mimi. Brittney then removes her white blouse to expose her mammoth new glands, all the whole keeping her bra on. She then bends over and slowly removes her mini-skirt. Brittney’s has an incredible body!
“Look who he brought” states STEVE “THE SOUNDGUY” as he is circling the ringside area escorting PLAYBOY COLLEGE COED HEATHER FAITH! Heather is sporting her blonde locks wrapped tight in long braids. She’s looking like a hot street corner hood chick, more than a Playboy model tonight. Still hot. Still wouldn’t just discard her. She is wearing a white top, with light blue booty shorts, white stockings, and she just removed her high heels in the ring.
The Soundguy starts running down the Schoolgirl, stating she is not worthy to be in Playboy, and that her tits are fake and Heather’s are the real deal. The fans start chanting “Brittney… Brittney… Brittney…”
Brittney starts to remove her heels. The Soundguy says that Heather isn’t here to fight. Heather Faith flashes her perfect ass to the fans and camera. SG says he thinks this fight should be saved for pay per view next month, and Brittney turns to the fans and is not happy. Heather attacks the Schoolgirl from behind.
We have a catfight going on, and the Soundguy is calling for the girls to stop and for security. Two very large robust bouncers from the club separates the girls and removes them from the ring.
LADY STORM with THE SMOKE is heading to the ring. LADY STORM is a beast! This black woman is beyond strong. She is dressed in all black. She is wearing a shiny, long sleeved leather jacket and with a tight black shirt hiding her rather large chest. She is wearing long leather plants, and boots. She wears her black hair in long braids to her waist, and has a section of braids that are blonde.
SMOKE grabs a mic and starts talking shit to the Soundguy, who is positioned upstairs in the club’s DJ booth. The two have a lot to say to one another, and at this moment in time they do NOT see eye to eye. One would say they are not friendly here. The Smoke goes on to continually threaten the Soundguy.
With no further delay, at 114lbs, here comes the “hardcore ho” --G.I. HO has arrived and the fans support her! G.I. Ho is wearing her blonde hair down and flowing. She has that sleeveless, very short black top she’s been wearing --with NO BRA that her breast like to peak out of! She has her cameo booty shorts on, with chunky knee high black leather boots, with wrestling pads, and lifting gloves. The fans love them some HO!
The bell rings and MIMI is taking her time enjoying the pat down of GI HO.
She then turns to Lady Storm for a very quick pat down.
The two competitors meet in the center ring and exchange a flurry of punches. Storm follows up with a huge clothesline to the Ho in the corner. We have a fight here ladies and gentlemen.
Storm whips Ho to the ropes and ducks a clothesline, and then a double clothesline. Lady Storm is up first and goes for an unsuccessful pinfall. Storm then throws the Ho out of the ring and grabs a weapon to start beating down GI Ho at ringside.
Lady Storm is in control, as THE SMOKE watches nearby at ringside. Storm puts GI back into the ring. The Smoke distracts Mimi. GI Ho is starting to show some life to fight back.
Lady Storm turns things around and presses GI Ho over her head (IMPRESSIVE!), as the ho slams on the mat. Storm rolls GI out of the ring and Smoke attacks her. The Smoke is now helping Lady Storm double team GI Ho outside the ring. G.I. Ho is winded.
G.I. manages to wrangle the wood stick from Storm and uses it on her and Smoke. We got a brawl out here. The fight is now on tour around The Lagoon, giving the fans a closeup to the action.
GI Ho stops at the bar for a beer… Then hits Lady Storm with the drink. Beer flies EVERYWHERE.
GI Ho climbs the steps to the second floor with Lady Storm in tow. The fight now continues on the club’s second level, where she just laid out Lady Storm. Mimi follows the action. G.I. Ho is looking like she wants to jump from the second floor. HOLY SHIT she’s gonna jump! SHE DOES! GI Ho just jumped off the second floor balcony at THE LAGOON onto the SMOKE and THE SOUNDGUY knocking them both down like some bowling pins.
GI gets up and throws the SMOKE into the ring. She climbs the ropes and hits a splash. She then covers the Smoke and Mimi counts to three? GI Ho is now celebrating around the ring. LADY STORM is back in the ring checking on the Smoke. GI HO starts clubbing Lady storm in her back hard. The camera guy is still on the second floor filming catching all the action.
Backstage Mimi opens the door, as the camera shot gets blurry we see Mimi is headed back to the ring and it’s all set up for OIL WRESTLING! Steve “The Soundguy is in the ring to host the auctions and keep things moving.
MIMI is back in the ring and has brown wavy hair, as she’s wearing a light pink -or white top (can’t tell for sure), a pair of white booty shorts, and is bare foot. She keeps touching her boobs. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to see them soon on this video! The camera guy has a great shot of her rear end, and the Soundguy just confirmed she will be removing her shorts when she gets oiled down and wrestles too!
G.I. Ho is back. She is wearing the same thing to the ring from her previous match. Her camo booty shorts expose just enough ass cheek. Nice tease!
We cut back to Mimi in her corner, taking off her shorts, and with her manager. GI Ho is now being auctioned off in need of an oil manager. This video is being edited for time, as these auctions can run long. Maybe one day all of GLOOW / DWOW content will be released less edited. Hey we will take what we can get for now though.
G.I. Ho pulls $50 for her manager. That is one of thee cheapest GI HO bids I’ve ever seen. This guy Mike will be GI’s manager. He has no idea how f’n lucky he is!
The oil bottles are now being cracked open and the girls are starting to get oiled, while the Soundguy is now auctioning off the referee spot for this match. This will be a competitive match, and there will be a touch of sexuality because it’s known that these girls dig the shit out of each other.
GI HO is riding her shirtless manager, while Mimi’s manager is oiling her ass. GI Ho is now bent over getting oil shot all over her. YOU GOTTA SEE THIS PART OF THE VIDEO. Mimi is now laying in front of her manager in a split as he continues to oil her up. GI Ho’s legs are wide open and this guy is shooting oil all over the ho! GI has removed her shorts to reveal a camo patterned thong.
Three, one minute rounds, and the bell rings. We have action. Both girls are not holding back. Two beautiful creatures are center ring jockeying to stay on top and trying to score a pinfall. I can’t give this review proper justice. You will need to see this for yourself to enjoy thoroughly.
Second round, we almost saw Mimi get the “Amber-Slam”. GI Ho goes for a pinfall to no avail. Mimi grabs a front face lock to try and slow GI down. When the girls lock up, they don’t let go to each other, as they hope to catch the other one slipping so they can grab the pin.
Round three GI HO vs MIMI. Mimi is sticking out her tongue flicking it back and forth, while touching her tits. The girls are down on the mat, both struggling trying to get a pinfall. Mimi is winded, but she keeps trying. Bell rings.
Mimi celebrates NOT getting pinned. That’s a physical task all in itself. The referee has both girls in the middle of the ring, and we are looking for a winner by crowd noise. Mimi gets a good response. GI Ho gets a good response. And we will try this again. Sounds like GI HO got a louder reaction and is declared the winner.
AMERICAN BOMBSHELL hits the ring, and she is coming with more energy then she did on her debut months back. This Italian or Greek girl has a very athletic body. She is wearing a super reinforced red bra to hold her mammaries in place, while wearing blue tight sports shirts with white stripes on each side. AB bends over in front of one of the ringside photographers and spreads her cheeks for a SUPER EXTREMELY CLOSEUP… Only if she did it for the VIDEO guy too! She is wearing her long brown hair up in a single ponytail on the top back of her head.
The video guy does manage to swing behind AMERICAN BOMBSHELL in her corner, and she has such a lovely phat ass. I’m sure we would ALL love to see her STINKFACE someone too! It seems the Soundguy irks AB --like he does most people.
The Bombshell is now standing on a chair displaying her goods trying to raise her manager bid.
TAI “KILLER” WEED makes her way through the crowd to the ring. The cute blonde Tai is wearing a black bra top and biker shorts for now, with black boots.
American Bombshell is standing on her manager's lap as he massages her ass. Nice!
Tai is teasing the fans as she looks like she may flash.Tai climbs to the top rope, flips herself backwards upside down, entertainingly looking to raise her manager bid.
Tai has a manager and she is starting to undress him. She takes off her shirt, and now she removed his jeans! He is wearing tighty-whities. The Soundguy tells Tai she has to chill and stop. Sounds like the manager of the club doesn’t want the total dysfunction GLOOW brings lol
Tai and Bombshell start their oil match. AB has a great body. Tai is in there playing around and having fun. This is not a super competitive oil match. Now if the American Bombshells breasts would pop out.
Round 2 the girls circle each other and Tai dives to try and take Bombshell down. The girls are rolling around and we can hear Tai clearly say, “I am fucked up…” Sounds like she may be trying to keep American Bombshell from using her strength so she doesn’t lose. Granted oil matches don’t mean much, most of the time --ALL the girls hate losing whether a regular match or otherwise.
Round 3 starts and the girls are rolling all over each other. We are sure Tai is enjoying touching and groping AB’s body --we’d be too! Tai grabs the pinfall. We don’t know where the ref went too, but the Soundguy made the executive call.
THE MAIN EVENT in oil will see PLAYBOY COLLEGE COED HEATHER FAITH vs BRITTNEY “THE SCHOOLGIRL” which could be entertaining, as the animosity between the two are building, as neither girl likes each other in show or real life. Lots of jealousy both ways.
Heather Faith is in the ring first. She is wearing her blonde hair in long braids, and a black bra and a full back bathing suit (which is kinda sexy and leaves something to the imagination). Faith has a super tight all natural body.
Brittney “The School girl” is escorted to the ring by THE NICE GUYS aka Hats & Jackets. Brittney wears her patented ring attire to the ring and strips down to a pink bra and thong set. She looks amazing.
Heather Faith has a manager and he starts oiling her immediately, while Brittney is looking for a manager and is in auction. Heather Faith’s manager got a steal on getting in the ring, and it sound like Brittney’s manager will also get a steal. Remember these scenes are edited for time.
I will say on the record, that neither girl went all out to try and fully entertain and entice the fans on hand, in this reviewer's opinion. Granted this was a different kind of show, where everyone wasn’t piled on top of each other. There was space to move, and people were not up on the ring. Both girls could use some dancing, more wiggling and shaking to entice bidders. Just because you’re hot, doesn’t guarantee people to throw money at you. Just my two cents.
Well I hope the action of the match is better then their manager auctions… I hope they beat the shit out of each other.
Both girls are now getting oiled. Faith is doing a decent job, and Brittney is still messing with putting her hair in a ponytail. Brittney needs some drinks to loosen up. That should be a prerequisite BEFORE all oil wrestling, for all the girls.
HEATHER FAITH finds the camera. Shit. She can be seductive. She loves playing to camera, Brittney is still messing with her hair.
Round one begins. Brittney is very apprehensive, most likely being overly cautious about her implants. It looks like Heather wants to let loose, but Brittney is trying not to get her too amped up. Heather is trying to pin Brittney. You can tell Brittney does not care for Faith.
Round two. The Soundguy even mentions all the hype for this match, and actually says, “blah.” Brittney starts on her knees, and Heather Faith presses on, she wants to win this contest. The girls are hot, just wish we’d see more physicality. Heather is taking charge and trying to finish Brittney but she’s racing against the clock expiring in this round. Ding.
Round three. Brittney seems to have something on her ass, besides oil. Heather Faith taps Brittney’s ass playfully. Heather Faith wants to slam Brittney, but as soon as they lock up standing, Brittney slithers down to the mat. If these two really fought, we think Faith would kick the shit out of Brittney. The referee was not active in trying to call a pin, so STEVE THE SOUNDGUY took it upon himself to make the executive decision and count to three as Heather Faith pinned Brittney “The Schoolgirl”. For the record, he may have counted a bit fast to secure the win for Faith.
Running Time: 1 hour 27 minutes
File Size:2.58gb
File Type: mov
Resolution: 320x240
The Lagoon
Essington, PA
The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING are unlike anything else ever offered on TV, PAY PER VIEW, and THE INTERNET.
Forget professional wrestling as you know it --you have never seen anything like this before! The Dangerous Women of Wrestling presents hot and sexy women's pro wrestling, with extreme stunts, featuring a truly dysfunctional cast of wrestlers, strippers, midgets, handicap, and disgruntled staffers. The Dangerous Women of Wrestling is purely the wildest and craziest wrestling show ever created. This is definitely not your father's wrestling show!
Experience life, and enjoy some Dangerous Women of Wrestling.