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This match is from the debut show for the Dangerous Women of Wrestling which featured the star power of former WWE talent, RYAN SHAMROCK. Ryan was an instant crowd favorite, fresh off her run with Val Venis and Ken Shamrock in the WWE. Never before, and not since has Ryan Shamrock appeared for any other women's wrestling company in the world --except here!
During the match with SANDY BEACHES vs ALISON SNOW aka DANA DODSON the action spilled (literally) out of the ring into the audience with the girls fighting on guys laps throughout the venue.
HEATHER "THE OWNER" came out to restore order, as this match was quickly getting out of control. She then makes the match into a 3 way, and then introduced former WWE star RYAN SHAMROCK. Ryan brought some WWE attitude to the DWOW ring and disposed of both of her opponents, and for some reason thus upsetting Heather the owner even further.
We offer this footage as rare, vintage, and historic footage in concerns to the Dangerous Women of Wrestling, Professional Wrestling, and the women who compete and entertain.
Classification: 3 way dance, all female, Straight girl vs girl vs girl
Talent Appearing in segment: Ryan Shamrock, Sandy Beaches, Alison Snow, Heather, Ginger, Sound Guy
Footage from: 09.10.99 (Allentown, PA)
File Type and Size: MP4 - 20.8 mb
Tags: Oil Wrestling, Stunner, bikini, Stripper, headlock, woman vs woman,
The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING are unlike anything else ever offered on TV, PAY PER VIEW, and THE INTERNET.
Forget professional wrestling as you know it --you have never seen anything like this before! The Dangerous Women of Wrestling presents hot and sexy women's pro wrestling, with extreme stunts, featuring a truly dysfunctional cast of wrestlers, strippers, midgets, handicap, and disgruntled staffers. The Dangerous Women of Wrestling is purely the wildest and craziest wrestling show ever created. This is definitely not your father's wrestling show!
Experience life, and enjoy some Dangerous Women of Wrestling.