Welcome to the official online store for everything DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING --the most dysfunctional pro wrestling company ever created!
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Check out the video demo that scored GLOOW / DWOW with their TV Deal on WGTW Channel 48 in Philly!
This is the first time ever it is being offered for instant video downloading.
This video was specifically created to showcase GLOOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Outrageous Wrestling) to WGTW Channel 48, a local UHF station in the Philadelphia area, where ECW and WWE aired, as well as a slew of local independents as the years went on. This was probably the first attempt to actually produce a higher quality video then what was ever done in house before. Keep in mind our staff had no formal training, as well as very entry level production equipment, specifically the HP computer, with the one-tracked ULead Video editing program. Enjoy this rare video archive. The video clips included on this demo has been edited (originally) for time and content based for station review.
After WGTW programming staff reviewed this demo pilot, GLOOW was green lighted to start production on SEASON 1, which officially began airing in the Spring of 2001.
-DWOW was GLOOW originally…
-Music highlight reel to Cypress Hill’s “Can’t Get The Best of Me”
-Tai promo in the bathroom with plunger
-Heather “The Owner” backstage promo
-Announcing is handled solo by Jeffrey J. James
-Tai makes her entrance to the ring
-Amber makes her entrance to the ring
-Lindsey is the special guest referee
-MATCH: TAI vs AMBER (aka GI HO) w/Lindsey as referee
-The Mae Girlz promo in the bathroom (Jeanie, Elle, Daisey)
-Deanna Caine smoking promo
Running time: 19 minutes and 5 seconds
File Size: 231 mbs
Additional notes: Match announcer, minimal graphics, and some backstage promos / vignettes.
The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING are unlike anything else ever offered on TV, PAY PER VIEW, and THE INTERNET.
Forget professional wrestling as you know it --you have never seen anything like this before! The Dangerous Women of Wrestling presents hot and sexy women's pro wrestling, with extreme stunts, featuring a truly dysfunctional cast of wrestlers, strippers, midgets, handicap, and disgruntled staffers. The Dangerous Women of Wrestling is purely the wildest and craziest wrestling show ever created. This is definitely not your father's wrestling show!
Experience life, and enjoy some Dangerous Women of Wrestling.