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From the original archives comes this rare gem in the GORGEOUS LADIES OF OIL WRESTLING… G.L.O.O.W. —“Monday Night Rear” live from Crocodile Rock in Allentown, PA, located about an hour or so from Philadelphia, PA.
-Video begins with a shot of a staff member wearing Crocodile Rock T-Shirt, followed by the clubs monthly calendar printout. You think someone could’ve swapped out this ripped copy for a clean, non-ripped copy. We then get a long shot of a very dark club, and a shot of one of the waitresses backside.
***Warning this video was shot in a nightclub, by a member of the ring crew, and not a professional. There is par can nightclub lights on the ring during the action. We have added some brightness, and contrast, as well as some minor colorization at times to the video, as long as swapping out the master audio, for a cleaned up version of the audio. This video download is VERY ENTERTAINING!
-We cut to a longer shot of the entrance way curtain with some strobe lighting effects, as well to what looks like a very nice crowd in attendance, for a Monday night for the area.
-“She’s the cigarette smoking, cane swinging, beer guzzling bitch —SANDY BEACHES, ring entrance and introduction through the crowded nightclub. The hot blonde walks around the ring smoking, and spitting beer out occasionally into the air. Sandy walks by an unsuspecting female, who later in this show gets in the ring, and then joins the cast of dysfunctional women as G-NOTE. More to come on this wild one.
-SANDY BEACHES slips out of some clothing into her official ring attire, before heading out into the audience to “meet the crowd” —to get tips! There’s a very packed house here at Crocodile Rock for G.L.O.O.W. and MONDAY NIGHT REAR, as we check out SANDY BEACHES working in the crowd for tips. Lots of smiling faces —you’d be too if you were there in person.
-44 DD DEVON FOXX makes herself known to the audience as this high-heeled, 6’2 woman heads to the ring, as she’s introduced to the fans in attendance. At ringside DEVON asks for the music to be cut, as she goes on about having to wrestle a beer guzzling thug in SANDY BEACHES.
-While DEVON is speaking to the fans, there is a female fan in the ring (GINA), who was enjoying the attention, while moving her hips and dancing for the audience, while DEVON FOXX entered the ring for a dance, and to strip out of her long black evening gown, and black velvet gloves. DEVON is packing one hell of a chest!
-It is pretty amazing to see all the attractive females in the audience to see the GORGEOUS LADIES OF OIL WRESTLING aka GLOOW and MONDAY NIGHT REAR.
-It’s time to raise the roof as our referee GINGER charges out of the curtain and through the crowd blowing her whistle. GINGER brings so much energy to the room when she hits the ring.She does a lot of shaking and gyrating in the ring.
-SANDY BEACHES is back in the ring, as she needs a manager to oil her up. Her manager spot goes to the highest bidder. It seemed the girl from earlier (GINA) who was in the ring won the bid for $45… but then she changed her mind, and it was given to the next person in the bidding line. That was a first we can remember happening, a manager welching on the bid.
-DEVON FOXX is now in ring, trying to seduce a manager for her match. SANDY’s manager has entered the ring, and is sitting in her corner while she dances for him.
-Watching this event back, it’s crazy to think where this all started from, what it grew into, and what it went on to become on a National level under WEW WOMEN’S EXTREME WRESTLING / WOMEN’S EROTIC WRESTLING. The wrestling world didn’t see us coming. We didn’t see it coming. Amazing times!
-BOTH women have their managers in the ring, as each girl provides a personal corner dance for their guys. The very sexy GINGER dances at ringside for the fans. We can never get sick of watching her dance and entertain us.
-The managers were handed their spray bottles to lube up their girls. Let the spraying and rubbing begin. GINGER is back in the ring to pat the girls down for illegal objects…
-As the match is about to get underway, LAUREN from the ring crew, is announced as another GLOOW referee, as he grabs the mic to deliver his message. Both DEVON and SANDY have to show him how to use his stick (mic).He starts by calling the fans “Allentown scumbags”… As he berates the fans, and the girls in the ring, LAUREN says the boss ordered him to ref this match. The fans want to see GINGER’s backside, as her and LAUREN get into a shoving match, as we see GINGER dispose of him over the top rope. It seems the match is ready to begin now. We are in store for three, one minute rounds. Let’s go!
-Between rounds we see the managers jump back in the ring for a re-lubing of the women.
-Next match is being set up, as ALEXIS (aka to be named BABYDOLL eventually) is then announced, coming from the curtain, to make her way through crowd to the ring. ALEXIS makes it to the ring, but the cameraman doesn’t, as he focuses in from the curtain. She is wearing a clubby-type outfit to the ring in a jacket, hot pants, heels, and then strips out of them to reveal a purple bikini, and thong.
-ELLE MAE DUDLEY (eventually to be just ELLE MAE) is announced next, decked out in her tie-dye, overalls, and taped glasses, and makes her way to the ring.
-GINGER is back out shaking and dancing for the fans ringside.
-Prior to the match starting LAUREN hits the ring and plants a low blow on GINGER, then a back-breaker. LAUREN then kicks GINGER out of the ring, to the crowd’s disapproval. For some reason the cameraman has decided to shoot this zoomed in from the entranceway. This match is underway, scheduled for three, one minute rounds.
-The main event was announced as the “Allentown Strip Down Match”.
-The “Heavenly” ANGEL is making her way to the ring through the crowd, as she is introduced. This hot blonde is wearing a patented leather mini-skirt, and matching jacket with high heels. Exceptional! In the ring, ANGEL prances and dances around a bit, and then starts to strip out of her outfit. Can this get any better?!
-STEVE “THE SOUNDGUY” announces if any women in the audience would like to get in the ring next time GLOOW returns to Crocodile Rock, to see him, as the company is looking for local Allentown girls to compete in action.
-The stunning “Beautiful” HEATHER in introduced. HEATHER is dressed in an all black mini-skirt suit, with her tan legs and heels to top it off. In the ring, she strips out of her clothes to reveal a very sexy matching bra and thong, with her black heels. Beautiful! She’s now heading into the audience to meet everyone.
-The cameraman heads into the crowd as HEATHER and DEVON mingle with the fans UP CLOSE, and PERSONAL. Great video footage here.
-We see girls in attendance, in the audience, having some fun laughing, singing, dancing, and getting tipped!? More rare footage of G-NOTE sitting and having fun in the front row, before she joined up with GLOOW.
-The thonged ANGEL gets back in the ring because she is being auctioned off for a manager. THE SOUNDGUY throws ANGEL an official GLOOW “staff” T-Shirt, which she puts on, and the fans BOOOO. ANGEL then proceeds to douse herself with cold water to the pleasure of everyone here. An auction for the “lightly” worn, but very wet T-shirt is underway, as we catch HEATHER working the room for tips before her main event match against ANGEL.
-Viewing this video, you really get an up-close look at what happens at a GLOOW show live. The way the cameraman gives you a POV type view of the action, to the tipping, to the fans enthusiasm.
-As the bids start rolling in to manage ANGEL, HEATHER interrupts and says she will pay to oil down ANGEL —her opponent in the match. This is UNHEARD OF! This as far as this write knows, has never happened before in GLOOW, ever!
-The rock band TESLA was at CROCODILE ROCK, and in attendance at this GLOOW show. JEFF from the band TESLA was highest bidder, and is now in the ring as her manager. He is getting love from not only ANGEL, but HEATHER too! Rockstars get all the hot chicks!
-LAUREN, the male referee, has arrived at ringside, to the dismay of many in attendance, as the boos rain down.
-We are treated to a G-NOTE and friend shake them t*tties and tongue kissing impromptu candid camera moment. NICE! Also, just announced GLOOW will be returning to CROCODILE ROCK next Monday (back then), for MONDAY NIGHT REAR 2. It looks GNOTE and friend are getting ready to flash the camera.
-Back in the ring HEATHER is dancing, and groping LAUREN. Isn’t this sexual harassment in the workplace?
-POST MATCH the loser has to strip out of their bra top and thong… as long as the “general manager’ DEVON FOXX approves…
-HEATHER and DEVON FOXX start to argue in the ring, as the crowd loudly begins chanting “puppies… puppies…. puppies…” Pushing and shoving ensues, as HEATHER is trying to rip off DEVON’s evening gown.
-HEATHER issues a challenge to DEVON FOXX for next MONDAY NIGHT REAR. A “Show your t*ts” chant begins now. Damn wouldn’t everyone want to see DEVON’s 44 DOUBLE D’S!!!
-The sexy referee GINGER is back in the ring, and is calling out LAUREN the guy ref. GINGER issues a challenge to LAUREN for an inter gender wrestling match for the next MONDAY NIGHT REAR (2). LAUREN throws water at GINGER, and she chases him to the back.
Running Time: 1 hours and 11 minutes
File Size: 362 mb
Production Notes: One camera, with graphics, no announcers besides what's in the venue.
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