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This is the first time ever that this show has ever been released publicly, that we can recall. We know for a fact that it has never been released digitally for 100% sure! This is an online EXCLUSIVE! This show is shot by one handheld camera, and the club is lit low, but has good enough to see everything fine, and capture great footage for your watching… and whatever other pleasure.
Before the action really gets turned up, the video begins with some promos shot pre-show. Some of these turned up on the Dangerous Women of Wrestling TV show, while others have never been seen before. The promos featured a good bunch of the core, home grown talent as TAI WEED just churns out the entertaining content, along with ELLE MAE, BRITTANY “THE SCHOOL GIRL”, GI HO, BIKE BANDIT (undercover boob shot!), and some others. Enjoy!
Originally, this show was booked to be the traditional first part pro wrestling, and second part of the event as oil wrestling. However, during the ring setup the management of Tom N Jerry’s received a call from Greg Serb of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission inquiring if there was a wrestling show scheduled on this evening. The phone was handed to the highest ranking DWOW employee at the time, Steve “The Sound Guy”, to which he replied, no. He informed the state official that it was an oil wrestling event only. To run “pro wrestling” shows in Pennsylvania, you need to file and register each event with the state, which includes a fee for filing, a promoters license, insurance, a doctor, etc.. One can only guess that this particular show wasn’t put “on the books” due to either low ticket sales, or someone trying to keep it on the down low to avoid the extra expenses. The girls can thank some jealous independent wrestling company for being petty reporting the show to the state. They (indie promoters) wonder why they can’t succeed? Maybe they should focus on their own companies, events, and produce their own TV show and not worry about what everyone else is doing.
Anyhow, the show was flipped to an all oil wrestling show and even the “wrestling” girls participated in some gimmick matches, giving this entire event a whole new feel. Enjoy it! We did! The show begins with National recording artist RUGHEAD (aka the Soundguy's brother) performing an impromptu Dangerous Women of Wrestling theme song, followed by the entrance of COMMISSIONER SMOKE to the ring.
THE SMOKE claims that he scheduled a wrestling event, but that he hates the GLOOW-HO’s and is changing the event to feature all oil wrestling matches. No one seems to complain, they actually clap their hands in approval of his announcement. It's rare to see the fans approve of anything that the Smoke does. There’s not a whole lot of people in the building at the start of this show, but this is going to be a fun, and an enticing event!
The Smoke calls TAI WEED to the ring… music hits… However, BRITTANY “THE SCHOOLGIRL” appears in a referee shirt tied up showing off some tummy. She is wearing black bike shorts as she parades around the venue. Brittany is wearing her blonde hair wavy, with her glasses. As soon as she hits the ring, she bends over and removes her shorts to show off her great ass. THE SOUNDGUY makes an announcement saying how the company is known for having the hottest referees in pro wrestling, and he's not lying there! The crowd is alive and responding! Brittany is having fun strutting around the ring and bending over in her thong. Amazing stuff here!
Music hits, and TAI (WEED) is announced. Tai makes her entrance the only way she knows how… loud and very entertaining! Tai is wearing her trademark ring attire, well some of it. She is wearing her “ass-less” chaps, which shows off her bare ass in her black thong, with black bra top. Tai is full of energy. Tai is fiesty, with shoulder length blonde hair, and proportioned breasts for her size.
Music hits, as the Soundguy is preparing to introduce Tai’s opponent, goes on talking about the Smoke and the all oil wrestling card. Smoke is ringside, taking in all the action. The BIKER BANDIT makes her entrance. If you watched closely in the opening promo montage, the camera guy was able to get a quick down-the-shirt shot of her beautiful left (pierced) breast! Go back, rewind, and re-watch. She is wearing her hair pinned back by a bandanna of sorts, with a with tank top that says “bite me” on it, with tight ass white stripper shorts showing off all the right spots. Upon entry into the ring she tried to flip herself in over the top and seemed to have some trouble, and then again trying to do a handstand in the corner. It’s almost as she’s a little reluctant. Probably just nerves. This reporter thinks this may be her first (and possibly only) show with the company unfortunately. ***It has been since discovered her first initial "in-ring" appearance was at "Topless Referee's" (04-26-01 The Woodshed Riverside, NJ)
As the Soundguy is trying to move things along, he begins to break the Smoke’s balls being that he made all the matches oil wrestling, but there are no baby oil bottles ringside currently. Only the Smoke! The Smoke doesn’t take kindly to the Soundguy’s comments and begins to berate him in front of everyone. During the verbal exchange the camera pans back into the ring, as the Biker Bandit removes her tight white stripper shorts to reveal a perfectly toned ass in a black thong.
Things are moving a bit slow out of the gate, but business is about to pick up as Brittany has two oil bottles and we are about ready to oil the girls down. Tai begins to antagonize the Smoke. The Soundguy instructs Brittany to oil both the girls. What an ASS on Biker Bandit! Amazing!
Now the girls are going to be auctioned off and need managers. The highest bidders will get in the ring to get the girls ready for their match. Music starts and the girls start to dance and entertain. The Soundguy is doing what he can to get money for the girls, but it seems like it’s going to be a cheap night to get in the ring. Lucky bastards!
Tai goes for $25! The deal is being completed, as Biker Bandit lands her manager at $10. This guy is stealing from the Bandit. The camera guy pans the room and finds some of the hot girls who work at Tom N Jerry’s. Hope someone can get these girls in the ring too!
We get treated to both girls entertaining their managers and getting oiled up. We get a VERY close up shot of Brittany’s butt, and it’s fabulous! Tai is getting oiled up and her manager is getting oil all over the place, including himself. Biker Bandit needs more oil. The tide changes as Biker Bandit grabs the oil bottle from her manager and starts squirting oil all over him --who is fully clothed with a dress shirt on. He’s a better sport than me. Smiles all over his face.
TAI WEED vs BIKER BANDIT (Oil Wrestling) with BRITTANY “THE SCHOOL GIRL” as referee
Three one minute rounds, a fight to the death, or at least until someone is topless (one can only hope). The bell rings and we are underway. This oil match starts off kinda competitive with the girls rolling around for positioning. Tai tries to go for a pin fall near the end of round one, but the Biker Bandit wouldn’t even give her a one count. Did we mention the Biker Bandit has an incredible ass? She does!
Second round and Tai Weed comes out on fire. The Biker Bandit is not going out like a bitch. Tai slams the Bandit down. The Biker Bandit could be hurt with a dislocated shoulder. Round two ends.
Round three is getting ready to start and the Bandit is getting hype as the girls lock up. The Bandit is trying to get Tai into position for a pin, but Tai is not giving her an inch. Tai is able to set the Bandit up for a pinfall, but the blonde Brittany is not paying attention to count to three. Tai and Brittany start to exchange heated words. The Bandit kneels behind Tai as Brittany shoves Tai knocking her down, hitting her head on the ring. The Biker Bandit scores the win! Tai is furious.
Tai is yelling that she “wants her now”, pointing to Brittany “The School Girl”. The Smoke responds asking the audience. He tells Tai she will have her chance later in the evening to face Brittany.
Introductions for the next bout is to get underway as one of the newer additions to DWOW makes her way to the ring --BJ the referee. BJ is a gorgeous, light-skin black girl with blonde braids, and a killer ass that is showcased by her high-cut black workout shorts. The camera guy is doing some amazing work catching great shots!
The Soundguy is having technical difficulties as his cds are skipping, probably due to The Smoke spraying oil all over the place. The “booty cam” is in full effect. BJ has thee best butt of the night so far --hands down! The crowd is now starting to harass the Soundguy, as more people are filing into the venue --all the time the camera is focused clearly on BJs amazing butt!
Music hits and out comes ELLE MAE for an oil match? Some will be happy. Some will not be. Keep in mind this was supposed to be a two part event as normal, but due to the company not filing state procedure, we are treated to an all oil wrestling event.
Elle Mae is dressed in her long denim overalls (to start, which she eventually removes), with her black sports bra. She comes out drinking and spitting water. Somewhere along her moseying around the ring, she picks up a beer and starts drinking and states she “does not oil wrestle”.
The Smoke begins to address Elle Mae instructing her that she must remove all her clothes to oil wrestle. The Soundguy starts to plead with Commissioner Smoke about his ruling. Elle Mae begins to strip out of her overalls to reveal her big breast utters in a black sports bra, and denim jean shorts to the knees.
G.I. HO makes her way to the ring. She is wearing her blonde hair up in a ponytail over a visor with sunglasses. She is wearing a bedazzled black cut-off shirt, with long camo print pants. G.I. Ho wastes no time in stripping out of pants to reveal skin tight camo shorts. She then even temporarily removes the shorts to reveal a studded white thong revealing her toned ass.
BJ is trying to pat down Elle Mae. Elle is complaining the entire time. Man this match would be even better if Elle Mae had to wrestle in a thong! During this time, GI Ho put back on her camo shorts for some reason. G.I Ho begins to stretch and limber up for her match.
The Soundguy picks out two girls in the crowd and is trying to recruit them to get into the ring. These look like the two beauties that were in the opening promo montage downstairs in the basement of the venue at the start of the video. We can only hope one or both get in the ring to oil wrestle!
The Soundguy is testing the waters to see if anyone wants to oil up Elle Mae. Elle Mae is not happy. G.I. Ho continues to stretch and entertain the crowd. The Soundguy tries to start the match, but G.I. Ho is signaling for oil. GI Ho wants a manager. Say what you will about the Soundguy, but he has an eye to get girls from the audience into the ring. Or better yet in this case one of the hot bartenders, Wendy enters the ring to oil up G.I. Ho. This girl is hot.
The camera then finds its lense on Elle Mae’s mammary glands --she has huge tits! She then continues complaining about having to be involved in this match. Back in the other corner, GI Ho is bent over fully as Wendy the bartender gets to work oiling up the Ho! BJ is now checking out GI Ho, AND helping rub oil into her skin. Elle Mae is furious at Commissioner Smoke as he continues to antagonize and make fun of her. If he's not careful he will be getting a "face full of stuff" tonight from Elle! BJ gets a pat down on Elle Mae quickly and the bell rings.
ELLE MAE vs GI HO (Oil Wrestling?) with BJ as referee
Round one is underway and Elle Mae is all over G.I. Ho. Elle is pummeling G.I. Ho. Oil or not, Elle Mae is fighting G.I. Ho. Action then spills out of the ring, and around the venue. The place is filling up as the night goes on. The Smoke makes both girls get back in the ring. Elle hits a big splash with 10 seconds left in round one. GI Ho starts to punch at Mae, but the round is over.
The Smoke starts spraying oil at Elle Mae, sending her into an all out rage. The bell rings for round two, but Elle Mae is jawing at the Smoke. Elle Mae goes to lock up with G.I. Ho, but ho takes her down. Elle Mae is trying to beat ho at all costs and slaps her in the face hard. Elle gets a two count before the round ends. Elle Mae is a big girl.
The crowd is cheering for G.I. Ho as she takes off her shorts. Elle Mae is going out of her mind. Elle starts to tease the crowd and begins to unbutton her shorts… and starts to remove them… the round starts and the girls tango again. This is more of a fight, with rolling around, but both girls trying to win. G.I. Ho catches Elle Mae off guard and captures the three. The camera catches Tai and Biker Bandit watching the action ringside.
Music hits for our next contest and out comes the busty TARA. Tara is wearing a black tank top holding in her big breasts, and a snake skin print bike shorts. She has reddish hair, and has an attitude about her.
Tara begins to berate the crowd and calls them a “bunch of fuckin losers” because they came to see some tits and ass. The audience didn’t take too kindly to her words.
CANDIE makes her way into the ring and is wearing a black sports bra, and bright pink flower print bike shorts. This will be interesting as both Tara and Candie are "legit" professional female wrestlers --not from the stripper world, and neither are accustomed with oil wrestling. BTW, BJ’s ass is still incredible! BJ checks out both the girls for illegal objects?!?
The Soundguy announces the girls need managers, but Tara is strongly against that. Candie seems open and positive to have a manager help her prepare for the match. The Soundguy is out in the audience looking for a capable manager and comes across Daphne. This girl is hot and drunk. This is going to be interesting. The Soundguy makes a deal with a guy on the stage to put not only Daphne in the ring to oil up Candie, but also her hot friend (the one who was showing her breasts in a bra in the opening promos) for them BOTH to oil Candie up for $20… Daphne is very drunk. We find out that Carmen is not Daphne’s friend --but her sister!!!
The Smoke interrupts the Soundguy because he (thinks) has a good idea. An argument ensues, while Carmen is gripping up Candie in the corner, which Candie seems to be enjoying… The Smoke announces that there will be a “Dysfunctional Family Oil Match” between the sisters DAPHNE vs CARMEN later in the show. The Smoke is trying to remove the girls from the ring, but the girls do not want to get out of the ring.
And now Carmen (the hotter sister) mounts her sister Daphne in the corner and begins dry humping here --we kid you not! The audience is stunned! The Soundguy congratulates the Smoke on doing something right for once. The girls head downstairs to get ready for their match. The Smoke orders BJ to oil Candie and Tara down.
TARA vs CANDIE (Arm Wrestling, Pillow Fight, Strap Match) with BJ as Referee
BJ wastes no time, as Candie pulls down her shorts while BJ is oiling Candie’s ass cheeks! The Smoke changes gears again, and instructs the girls that they will be arm wrestling in the center of the ring. A table appears in the ring. Both girl’s drop to their knees and lock hands on the table. We have an “arm wrestling” match…
The bell rings, and there is some intensity at the table for arm wrestling. The girls start, but Tara loses grip and falls backwards saying she slipped. Tara is bitching at BJ, Candie is rolling her eyes at the stalling Tara.
Here we go again take 2, however BJ’s ass is taking up the camera shot. Tara and Candie locked up as both girl’s biceps are pumped filling with blood. It looks like both these hot women workout. The struggle is real. Candie is looking like she’s going to defeat Tara. Tara powers back. Both girls arms look great. Candie powers through and wins the bout.
BUT the “match” is not over, as the Smoke adds a new stipulation. The Smoke has introduced a “pillow feather” match, with the first girl to break out the pillow wins. BJ begins to oil Candie --again. Candie has a great body. BJ tries to oil up Tara, but she’s refusing. BJ has convinced Tara to allow to be oiled, but Tara is not enjoying it at all. However, while BJ is bent over oiling Tara...
Candie grabs her own oil bottle and begins oiling up BJ. OH THIS IS JUST GREAT VIDEO!!! BJ is hot!
The bell rings, and we have an all out pillow fight… Tara and Candie are swinging for the fences. Shit they are trying to waffle the shit out of each other. Candie has backed Tara up to the corner and is swinging the pillow as hard as she can. Tara has taken cover in the corner. BJ breaks Candie’s offense. It looks like Smoke is helping Tara with her pillow by tearing it so the feathers fly out when she swings next. Tara comes out swinging hitting Candie and the feathers are flying everywhere.
The Smoke then announces since each girl has won one contest a piece, that the third part of this match will be a “strap match”. BJ hands both girls “straps” (belts). The bell rings and both girls come out swinging their belts trying to hit the other. Tara tries to hit Candie twice but misses, as Candie starts to whack at Tara’s ass, as you hear the crack of the belt onto Tara’s flesh.
Candie then mounts and rides Tara around the ring while hitting her with the strap. This is hot. Candie is smacking the shit out of Tara’s ass! The Smoke distracts Candie as Tara begins to pay her back with some whipping of her own. Both girls are upright taking turns whipping the other. Smoke distracts Candie again as Tara comes up from behind and chokes Candie with the belt. Once down, Tara begins whipping Candie hard while she’s on the mat.
Candie tries to hit her finisher a “rock candy bottom”, but is whipped in the face instead. Candie is whipping the shit out of Tara! This is a MUST SEE! Tara tries to call a timeout. Candie is able to maneuver herself and hit her finisher on Tara and scores the pin and win. Simply incredible entertainment right there!
The camera unfortunately finds LUCKY "THE CRIPPLE GUY" singing Queen's “We Will Rock You”. Lucky runs down the Soundguy and The Smoke. He’s on fire! Viewers are then treated to BJ’s amazing rear-end!
All during the show to this point The Soundguy has been trying to get a waitress to the stage so fans can order some beer. He has been having a helluva time thus far. Debbie the waitress FINALLY arrives.
We are now treated to the first ever “Dysfunctional Family Entertainment match”, where two sisters will face off in oil wrestling. This is actually the third or more “Dysfunctional Family Match” in the company history dating back to 1999 when cousins and even a daughter / mother oil wrestling match took place between Ginger the ref and her mom (04.19.01 RT 1 Cafe Philadelphia, PA)
Sister #1, CARMEN makes her ring entrance and WOW! She’s f’n hot! This girl is fine! She has her hair and make up done, and is wearing a long, sequined stripper-type sweater that closes with one button in the middle of her chest, along with a black thong, and high heels. The Soundguy makes the discovery that Carmen is a dancer. Carmen is sexy for sure!
Lucky “The Cripple Guy” approaches the stage firing off at the mouth. The Soundguy steps down off the stage as the two have a confrontation that ends with SG shoving down Lucky hard, and throws a steel chair at him.
Sister #2 DAPHNE is making her way to the ring very slowly, and is visibly intoxicated, as she is being helped to the ring. Daphne has made it into the ring, while her sister Carmen is in the opposite corner grinding her hips away.
The camera guy, to his credit, runs around to where Carmen is going to town, and gets some incredible close ups! Carmen has a well proportioned body and is loving the spotlight. She seems to be struggling with her balance most likely due to some drinking (pre-match), and balancing her body on the oil ropes.
Carmen is having fun hanging and bouncing her body off the ropes. Again kudos to the cameraman for the best extreme close ups. Daphne is now stradling the turnbuckle and middle ropes in her neck of the woods.
Carmen removes her stripper sweater and manager auctioning has now begun and she is going all out to entice possible suitors. $15! Wow.
Bidding has begun for drunken Daphne, but the camera is locked and loaded on the ever-so-entertaining Carmen and her ass and crotch area. Daphne pulls $25 and will get two managers in a boyfriend / girlfriend combo. All-the-while, Carmen is wrapped up in the ropes. IF YOU LIKE FEET --Carmen has the prettiest we’ve seen in sometime! This camera guy needs a raise. Well --we are sure he had one the entire time filming this!
If you look close enough, you can see right through the fabric of Carmen’s thong as this cameraman makes sure he gets “the shot”. She gives herself some quick rubs as well. Stools are being placed in the ring for the managers, while the Soundguy helps in Daphne’s boyfriend/girlfriend manager combo. BJ is being a good trooper during all this dysfunction, as she comes from a “wrestling” background.
Daphne goes to work on one-half of her managerial team --the girlfriend. This is getting f’n hot very fast. Carmen’s manager is one Lucky Pierre and the footage of him actually oiling up his wrestler has been included on the masters --so we are including it here for your viewing pleasure! It doesn’t look like Mr. Pierre can handle this firecracker Carmen, as she is grinding continuously throughout.
The camera catches Daphne and the female manager passionately making out. There is soooo much sexual energy in this ring right now, it’s incredible! There is so much grinding going on in the ring that the Soundguy states, “I don’t want to stop this”. You will agree. It seems the female manager somehow has Daphne’s breast in her mouth. This is getting out of control! Daphne, while not a stripper, is drunk and attractive as well. She has a good body, and is not afraid to flaunt it. We love these sisters!
This is how HOT this show and segment is… THE SOUND GUY & THE SMOKE now both have oil bottles in their hands and are continuing to oil up the girls, as the camera guy comes around to capture these moments of video forever. If the Soundguy & Smoke are participating, you know these are two enticing women!
The bell rings and we finally have a match, not that we are complaining at all about the match prep. And so they lock up and begin to roll around in hot oil. The Soundguy reminds the crowd that these two girls are legit sisters. IF this is true, is this match even legal? Both have blonde hair, as Carmen is very tanned and in good shape physically, while Daphne is pale skinned, with a decent body, with a tattoo on her one ass cheek. Both girls trying to win the match, and are positioning themselves to set up a pinfall. BJ is trying to keep things fair. If you pay attention you will see a thong malfunction with Daphne's wardrobe as Carmen is rolling around on top of her sister. Round 1 is completed.
Round two begins and both girls come out a little softer to start as their adrenaline may be subsiding. Carmen is sitting on top of her sisters stomach, as Daphne reaches up and removes the cups of her sisters bra top to expose both of Carmen’s, nice sized tanned breasts. The cameraguy is out of position shooting from the back, but with his determination to “get the shot”, runs his ass around the ring (we leave that shot in) to try to capture Carmen’s beautiful breasts.
The drunk sister may be feeling the effects of alcohol consumption as she seems to be really feeling up her sister Carmen. Round two ends unfortunately…
Round three is underway, and both girl’s energy seems to be draining. Daphne is molesting her sister in the ring. Did anyone check their ids to make sure they are really sisters? They do resemble each other in the face. Both these sisters seem fired up and horny! Carmen is sitting reverse cowgirl style on Daphne’s stomach, as Daphne pulls down Carmen’s thong! Daphne then goes for the top again and exposes both of Carmen’s lovely breasts. The round ends and this is just out of control! And we love it!
Daphne leaves the ring and starts flirting with a guy at ringside. She's drunk and having trouble focusing it seems. Carmen retrieves Daphne and throws her back in the ring. We seem to have an impromptu fourth round as Carmen is now in command as BJ and the Soundguy have lost all control with this match.
The bell rings and rings… BJ grabs Carmen, and the Biker Bandit comes in to help Daphne out of the ring. One can only hope to see BOTH of these girls back in the company on a full time basis soon!
The Soundguy announces he was just handed a note that there will be an oil rumble featuring all the girls in one ring, wrestling in oil, until only one is standing. The Smoke is standing at ringside in awe and shock of what he has put together for this show tonight. The Soundguy gives credit to the Smoke for putting together such an entertaining event.
The Soundguy is going around the live audience giving tickets away to the TV taping “Weapon City” and is looking for daring women to bare their bra and/or thong for comp tickets. One girl showed her breasts, while he asked another to show her thong --which her boyfriend begin edging her on. Say what you want about the Soundguy, but for someone who supposedly hates ho’s, he has a knack for trying to get women from the audience in the ring. The boyfriend DID convince his girlfriend to come up and show her thong/underwear to the Soundguy for the comp tickets.
The Soundguy then spots an attractive women and jumps off the stage instructing the camera guy to follow. Two of the male fans tried to help convince (restrain and hold) two young ladies to participate, but they were not interested. Or the prize wasn’t big enough. The fans are definitely appreciating the Soundguy’s persistence for sure. And just when you think a girl who said no previously meant no… they mean yes and a short haired sexy brunette shows her string bikini.
Tai asks the Soundguy if “we can wrestle?” And he replies, “shut up Tai…” as he was “busy” working on female members of the audience. Tai tells the camera she wants a piece of Brittany. The Soundguy tells her to get in the ring. The crowd loves Tai.
This show is out-of-control. ANYTHING can happen.
Out comes BRITTANY “THE SCHOOL GIRL” with her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, white blouse buttoned up and showing her midsection, with very short black skirt (just revealing her ass cheeks and black thong) and wearing a school backpack. The fans are eating up Brittany as she walks around the room showing off her young, tight body. She is even accepting tips as she makes her way to the ring.
In the ring, Brittany prepares --STRIPS out of her clothes into her bikini top and thong. Tai watches and is enjoying Brittany’s striptease. Brittany strips down to her bikini top, thong, white knee high socks, and patented leather black heels. Which she does remove momentarily.
The girls need managers. The Soundguy calls for Wendy & Colleen, two hot blondes who work at the venue to be the girl’s managers. Both are wearing ref shirts, as that is their normal work attire at the bar here. The fans on hand are liking all the girls. The Soundguy is taking credit for getting two more hot women in the ring. The guy is on fire tonight!
Wendy & Colleen oil up Tai & Brittany. Talk about incredible talent IN the ring at this point!
The Soundguy is at it again trying to get Wendy to reveal her bare ass and thong… The crowd wants to see it, but it doesn’t look as if she will be playing along any further at this point. Under the right circumstances, Wendy seems like she would be a ball of fun!
TAI WEED vs BRITTANY “THE SCHOOL GIRL” Oil Wrestling with special guest referees Wendy & Colleen.
It’s time to smack that bitch up with three one minute rounds. Tai comes out like a rocket. Both of the girls are giving it their all. Tai finds some pillow filling stuffing and starts to throw it at --and rub it on Brittany! Tai scoops up Brittany, and starts to spin her, as Wendy and Colleen are still in the ring, as they are co-referees as well for this match.
Round two begins as Tai races to Brittany’s corner jumping up breast-splashing her, which send Tai tumbling backwards to the mat. Brittany tries to get a pinfall, but neither ref counted. Soundguy abruptly stopped the music, instructing Wendy & Colleen to count to three. We get an impromptu referee lesson for the two hot blonde refs.
Tai hits a slam on Brittany, and then a leg drop. Tai hits a helicopter spin on Brittany, and the round ends.
Third and final round begins as Brittany is acting all cute, turns around and sticks out her butt. Tai obliges and smacks it. The girls seem to be bouncing around flirting with each other, as the Soundguy calls out to them both to “let’s go”! Tai tackles Brittany. Tai again picks up Brittany for another helicopter-ish type spin before dropping Brittany hard onto the mat. Tai goes for the cover and both Wendy & Colleen make the clean three count. Tai is your winner.
The Smoke enters the ring with a belt in hand and begins to attack and smack Brittany in the ass with it. Elle Mae comes to save Brittany from The Smoke.
Smoke has been set up, sitting in the corner. Elle Mae turns around and starts to remove her black gym shorts to reveal all her glory in a black thong, as she backs up and smothers the Smoke with a STINKFACE! Elle is NOT playing here as she REALLY backed it up and hit Smoke squarely with the patented stinkface.
Once Elle completes her mission, the Smoke bails. Brittany and Elle Mae dance a bit in the ring as the girls seem happy to have foiled Commissioner Smoke.
To see the entire STINKFACE and much more... purchase the video now for INSTANT DOWNLOAD!!!
As the girls get ready for the “Oil Rumble”, we find Daphne sitting on the stage having her breast massaged --with clothes on, by her female manager. Someone has an oil bottle and is helping moisturize Daphne’s skin. Daphne is totally into this and this girl is ultra horny!
Now Daphne is reaching back and massaging her “managers” tits over her clothes. However, nothing is stopping Daphne as she is sitting face forward in her chair (for everyone to see), as she reaches back (now) under the shirt of her manager as she is still massaging her breasts.
The Soundguy has to start the show, as the “manager” is ask to have a seat --which she does on Daphne’s lap. They begin to kiss, and make out passionately. These are no “peck” kisses --these are full, deep, make out kisses, and they are lasting long. Daphne pulls down her manager’s shirt and bra and starts to suck on her one breast. The fans are chanting “let them go!”.
The Soundguy is trying to regain some order so the show can finish. Daphne is becoming upset and irate. Daphne is insatiable. The Soundguy appoints two guys to help oil the participants upon entry into the ring.
OIL RUMBLE - A new girl enters the ring every 30 seconds. The winner is the last one standing.
Pre-match the Soundguy appoints two of the ring crew helpers to be the oil guys when the girls come to the ring. NEVER before has so much oil been used in one match. The way oil wrestling was meant to be. OILY!
CANDIE - seems happy to be included into the oil match.
TARA - is not happy to in the oil rumble and is refusing to be oiled, Candie attacks.
BJ - is at ringside and is reluctant to get in the ring, but finally does.
Tara is now choking Candie in the corner.
Soundguy yells for Tara to turn around, and BJ spears Tara…
BJ’s butt looks delicious oiled up, as she is on top of Tara choking her!
TAI WEED - enters the ring screaming wildly, all 3 other girls are scared to embrace Tai.
Tai tries to attack Tara, then Candie. Tara leaves the ring.
Candie has been eliminated.
BJ has been eliminated.
Tai is standing solo.
BIKER BANDIT - is enjoying being lubed up on the ringside. Tai tries to dive to take her down, but to no avail.
ELLE MAE - is wearing black gym shorts, with a black sports bra holding her enormous breasts intact. She immediately grabs Tai by the hair and tosses her across the ring. OIL is still being squirted during all this action… The Biker Bandit tries to help Tai.
GI HO - is wearing a black cut up shirt, and white thong --and she’s ready to rumble. YOU MUST see GI Ho getting her ass oiled down on the apron, as they squirt oil right on her ass, as she is gyrating all around.
ELLE MAE charges at GI Ho, as they both fall to the mat hard.
Biker Bandit jumps on top of them both, as Tai goes after the Bandit.
CARMEN is announced, but the camera finds her horny sister DAPHNE undressing on the stage, looking as if she will be entering the OIL RUMBLE.
The Soundguy is calling for CARMEN, as DAPHNE is now in the OIL RUMBLE.
Here comes CARMEN! WTF is going on!!!
Elle Mae goes after Carmen, while Tai and GI Ho lock up.
GI Ho now finds Carmen, and seems VERY happy to rub up with her.
There is a TON of action going on. Too hard to keep following.
Elle Mae & Biker Bandit are teaming up using all their strength to remove DAPHNE from the ring.
Daphne has been eliminated, but has re-entered the ring?!
Carmen and GI Ho are rolling around hard.
Biker Bandit is back at it with Tai Weed.
Oil is squirting into the ring soaking it and the girls.
Elle Mae stalks her prey.
***This may be the most oil ever used in one oil wrestling match EVER!
Elle Mae removes Carmen from the ring.
Tai and Bandit remove each other from the contest, as it leaves GI Ho vs Elle Mae soaked in oil.
This is pure madness.
Tai and Biker Bandit are standing on bar stools inciting the crowd.
IF only Elle Mae was wrestling in a thong! Jeez!
Elle Mae is roughing up GI Ho and eliminates her!
ELLE MAE is the winner of the OIL RUMBLE!
Running time: 2 hours 6 minutes and 17 seconds
File Type: mp4
Resolution: 320 x 240
Production: One camera, no announcer on tape, just live show announcements.
04.28.01 - Tom N Jerry's (Milmont Park, PA)
The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING are unlike anything else ever offered on TV, PAY PER VIEW, and THE INTERNET.
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