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The SOUND GUY starts by introducing one of the new round card girls, LACEY. Lacey has beautiful brown hair down to her ass. She seems to be in shape with nice legs. She is wearing black tight, bike shorts and a black sports bra. Lacey makes her way around the crowd saying hi and slapping guys hands. I'm sure they rather her sit on their laps.
Out next is BRANDY. She is announced as the referee. Brandy is another new face debuting tonight. She is a cute, young beauty. She has curly brown hair, just passed her small breasts. She is wearing a black tube top, and matching black booty shorts with a white waist band, and long black boots. She is blowing her whistle on the way to the ring, also saying hello to the guys onhand. I'm sure they rather her blow...
Lacey is in the ring dancing and moving her hips in a grinding fashion. This reviewer is unaware of both girls experience level as they are trying to be out-going, but could probably use a shot or two of alcohol to really loosen up. Once in the ring they dance together for a second or two, and then called to come down by the Soundguy. I guess they are showcasing their merchandise.
Daisy is hot! She is wearing a short light green mini skirt with white flowered prints, with matching bra top, and white heels. She has blonde hair and a luscious, deep dark tan. She’s fuckin hot! Daisy picks up a security escort on the way to the ring by former ECW head of security, Mark Shapiro. Daisy is playful, with a great smile.
In the ring, Daisy puts on a show --and off comes the high heels. Nice feet! Daisy looks like she would be fun under the covers. Daisy displays her goods and is now down meeting each guy personally. The guys are giving handshakes, but she wants "ones". We get treated to an extended “tips” set by Angel working the room.
SANDY BEACHES emerges from the curtains with her cane, beer, and smoking a cigarette. Sandy is a bleach blonde, with a good body. She is toned and tanned --she loves to fight. She is walking around the building looking at each man in his face. Some look uncomfortable during this process, especially with the camera recording. It’s like they already committed a crime earlier elsewhere.
In the ring, Sandy Beaches climbs each corner to survey the room. Great up the shorts camera work here. What we wouldn’t give to just unzip the zipper bra top nipple areas… Sandy Beaches removes her shorts, and heads down to meet the guys in the crowd.
Heather “The Owner” returns while Sandy Beaches is mingling. Heather says she can not allow Sandy to be smoking and drinking beer here at the Eagles club. Heather is smoking hot. She is wearing her “traditional” business attire. She’s wearing a black mini skirt and blazer. The blazer is open, exposing her sexy black bra top. Heather’s has some nice cleavage showing too. She has long blonde hair, and deep dark tan. Her body is very toned. However, at times she comes off with an attitude that is condescending, but still hot.
Heather tells Sandy Beaches that they will be wrestling each other, and if Sandy wins she will wrestle in the main event. Music hits and Heather is in the ring starting to undress to the crowd’s approval. Off comes her mini skirt to expose her toned backside, showing of her black thong. Heather steps down to go meet the crowd and grab some tips… hopefully.
Brandy hits the ring with a whistle, as it looks like she will be handling the refereeing the match between Heather and Sandy Beaches.
Sandy gets herself a manager, and now the bidding has started for Heather’s manager. Eventually one is found, and now the “entertaining” of the manager segment begins. Lacey the round card girl is seen at ringside talking to the guys and getting tips. I don’t think the girls in the ring are too happy with this.
The camera work is shaky at times, and the lighting is dim. If you like hot chicks, with a possibility for anything to happen, then this is for you. OR if you are looking for some gold Women’s Wrestling history, this is a great collectors piece. There is no real wrestling or five star matches on this video. They try, but... well they try.
It’s time for the managers to grab the oil and get the girl’s ready for action.
Sandy Beaches decides to have a pre-match smoke. This infuriates Heather The Owner. Heather grabs the cigarette from Sandy’s mouth and throws it to the ground. Sandy pushes Heather hard to the mat. Action is moving in the ring. Some rolling around, choking, and then Heather hits Sandy Beaches with a low blow.
Heather scoops up Sandy not once, but twice. Heather scores a 2 count. There’s some great camera work during the rolling around. Round ends.
Managers are back in the ring to oil the girl’s up. Some shaky camera work has been left in on purpose for continuity. We have cleaned up the original masters a bit here. The camera work is very close to the ring, so there are some great close ups.
The girls continue the fight outside the ring, as they use fans bodies as weapons. The action is literally on some guys laps. Back in the ring Sandy Beaches hits a stunner on Heather for the pin.
Heather is helped to the back, while Sandy Beaches stays among her people.
Heather has a mic and tells Sandy Beaches a deal is a deal, and that she is now wrestling in the main event. She then brings out her opponent. 44 double d “Stone Cold” DEVON will be Sandy’s opponent.
Back in the ring Sandy Beaches and Devon get their managers to “help” prepare them for their match… You will be happy to know that all the manager dances and “entertaining” has been kept in tact on the video.
Heather pats down the girls, and seems to like it --especially when it came to Devon. We are getting ready to start round 1.
Back in the ring, Devon hits some kind of weird stunner on Sandy and captures the 3.
The match and show is over but Sandy Beaches returns with her cane and “tries” to hit Devon a few times, before Devon disarms her. Both girls then hit the crowd for tips. The camera follows Devon as she lures a man to a “table” type dance. Enjoy.
We are then treated to “after-show” footage of the girls after the lights go on, as they get set to take pictures in the ring. This is some GREAT candid video!
Running time: 1 hour and 24 minutes
File Type: mp4
Resolution: 320 x 240
Production: One camera, announcer on tape from live event in background
The DANGEROUS WOMEN OF WRESTLING are unlike anything else ever offered on TV, PAY PER VIEW, and THE INTERNET.
Forget professional wrestling as you know it --you have never seen anything like this before! The Dangerous Women of Wrestling presents hot and sexy women's pro wrestling, with extreme stunts, featuring a truly dysfunctional cast of wrestlers, strippers, midgets, handicap, and disgruntled staffers. The Dangerous Women of Wrestling is purely the wildest and craziest wrestling show ever created. This is definitely not your father's wrestling show!
Experience life, and enjoy some Dangerous Women of Wrestling.